OE Classic - Perfect replacement for Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail. Easy to use, fast and with amazing new features!

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OE Classic 5.0
For Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000
OE Classic

OE Classic - Replacement for Outlook Express

OE Classic is an email and Usenet reader designed to be a perfect replacement for Outlook Express, Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail and even Mozilla Thunderbird.

The ultimate goal of OE Classic is to be an easy to use, fast, small and secure program with lots of power features and yet, easy to use for a beginner. Your data always belongs to you as it is stored in a public-domain format and there are no storage size limits.

How does OE Classic compare to Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail?

This table shows some of similarities and differences between OE Classic, Outlook Express, Windows Mail and Windows Live Mail. The table is based on user comments and our technical research.

Feature OE Classic Outlook Express Windows Mail Windows Live Mail 2009-2012
User interface Easy to use, very similar to Outlook Express Simple Simple, but some features missing like identities More features missing, ribbons, unintuitive, takes more time for the former Outlook Express user to get used to
Identities Yes (Pro version) Yes No No
Message rules Comprehensive set of rules and actions, easy to use Very limiting Very limiting Very limiting
Address book Built-in Windows Address Book (WAB) Windows Contacts Windows Contacts
Message storage Public domain database formats (your email data belongs to you), all formats are documented in the help (SQLite/MBX format)

Plus import/export of standard EML files
Undocumented (closed source) proprietary database with access interface (API) (DBX format) Proprietary database with access interface (API) (EML / ESE / JetBlue format) Proprietary database without access interface, your emails are locked in proprietary database - this makes it difficult to export data (EML / ESE / JetBlue format)
Supported OS All modern Windows (and future Windows), Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 Windows XP only (and older) Windows Vista only Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (2009)

Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (2011)

Windows 7, Windows 8 (2012)
Up to date and security updates Yes,
Actively developed, improved and supported for 15 years now! Up to date with security updates (and latest security bulletins), making your system safer against email-related malware.
Retired since April 8, 2014, security updates have stopped
Retired since April 11, 2017, security updates have stopped
Retired since January 10, 2017, security updates have stopped
Folder limits No (limited only by disk size) Only 2 GB (corruption may occur beyond this, quite easily exceeded) Unknown Unknown
Secure message storage Yes (crash proof message saving, can even handle power-off in the middle of message save) No (possible folder corruption, especially with Compact function) Unknown Unknown
User support Quick and dedicated support directly from developers (read full benefits on order page) No No No
Easily move messages and data to new machine Yes No (needs third party programs) No (needs third party programs) No (needs third party programs)
Can you request new features? Yes (paid users) No longer developed No longer developed No longer developed
Price Free / $39 (USD) Free with Windows XP purchase (bundled) Free with Windows Vista purchase (bundled) Free, no longer available

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Occasionally, a nice email comes along from our users - here are the recent ones - the new ones being added from time to time.

Feb 13th, 2025
It is a true saying (in my opinion) that OE Classic Pro is a terrific program. When one gets it installed and running right, OE Classic Pro does the job. I really do like the program a lot. Thanks for all of your assistance. You guys are great!

John L.
Jan 17th, 2025
I have used OE Classic for years. Got it right after OE went away. It's been a great addition to our off-line software!

Michael M.
Apr 22nd, 2024
I wish all software was supported as well as OE Classic. You do an exemplary job of supporting an incredible utility. Thank you for your efforts!

Bob M.
Jan 29th, 2024
I have tried other programs and I did not like them. OE Classic was the answer to my search. It was able to import all of my Outlook Express email, which was a very important feature for me. After using OE Classic for a year, I have come to love it. Now that I have learned how to implement message rules, I love it even more!

Geo J.
Jan 5th, 2024
I have been using OE Classic reliably for a couple of years now. The support is great and new feature updates keep coming. I utilize its abilities to organize and save the email on my computer and to export EML messages as separate files for archival purposes. I find the retrieval speed to be much faster than logging into the online email servers and having to wait for ads on the side panel.

Dave F.
Dec 11th, 2023
I'm a retired software engineer. Just wanted to say I am very impressed with your email program. I worked in a research lab my whole life doing embedded work.

Steve B.
Jul 2nd, 2023
After twenty plus years of being a devout Windows XP user, FINALLY I had to realize that Windows XP just wasn't cutting it anymore and I couldn't find a browser with any kind of functionality but before buying an expensive computer or something similar I bought a used Windows 10 computer. Turns out I should've bought Windows 10 a dozen years ago!

I love Windows 10... EXCEPT FOR THE EMAIL! I had close to 30 years worth of email messages on Outlook Express and couldn't find an email client that would take the messages.

I don't know what I typed in the search engine but I finally found this AND IT ROCKS! I LOVE IT!


William B.
May 29th, 2023
OE Classic offers the BEST support, that is why I'm reluctant to use other programs.

Debby R.
AB, Canada
Jan 20th, 2023
I spent days trying to find an email client that was comprehensive and easy to use. I downloaded and deleted one after another until I discovered yours. It is such a pleasure to use. I contributed $37 not so much to get extra features but it was my way of saying thanks for a great program. I don't understand why everybody doesn't use this. Thanks for making this so simple to use and incorporating all the features I am used to using.

Frank S.
Dec 20th, 2022
I want to let you know after only a few days of using your free version of OE Classic, I decided to purchase Pro version. I made this decision with confidence for several reasons. The interface, functionality and documentation of your software is very user friendly making the dreaded learning curve so much easier.

While there are many enhanced functions I have yet to try, I found it easy to configure the program within a short period of time to enabling me to do everything expected and required of a good email handler. I was also impressed and pleased with the clear and concise instructions which are worded in plain English and easy to follow. This is in addition to receiving very prompt, easy to follow instructions to a few questions I had despite still using the free version at the time. I have received no compensation of any kind for this evaluation and while it may sound rather highly complementary, it is honestly deserved. Thank you so much for a fantastic program and support. Keep up the fantastic work and efforts.

Keith B.
Sep 1st, 2022
I've been doing some pretty basic albeit rigorous testing of various desktop emails clients to replace Windows Live Mail. You should know that OE Classic consistently outperforms all of the other applications that I am testing. It is basic yet robust, user friendly, easy to customize, reliable, fast, and the support that I received to date is fantastic.

Mike B.
Aug 4th, 2022
A big thank you for OE Classic. I have been using your program since OE6 was discontinued. I totally love the ease of usage. I get my emails through Gmail and many times I have a problem opening an email until I go to OE Classic (which I normally do). Perhaps I'm "old school" but you have continued with an email program that was the best as far as I'm concerned. And your customer service is beyond reproach. Enough said. Thank you.

Lida S.
Jun 23rd, 2022
Just a quick note to thank you for developing a very good email program. It's easy to use and most of all its dependable. You are always improving the email program. Always prompt in responding to a members questions and problems. Please keep up the great work.

Oneil G.
Mar 18th, 2022
I would just like to say a BIG BIG thank you for OE Classic. I used it for a couple of years without paying but loved it so much, so I paid for it.

What a brilliant programme, so easy to use, can't say I am a super computer user but in my 70's I can do most things.

Such an easy programme to use and to now help is at hand when needed is a godsend.

Thank you for all you do and for such a little price too.

Gill B.
Dec 15th, 2021
I have everything set up and it is working beautifully. You guys have done a great job with this. Thank you. I have been using the Vista Windows Mail hack for Windows 7 and 10 for several years and when Win 10 came out, it became harder and harder to keep it working. This has given me back what I have been using since XP and I don't have to constantly battle to keep it working now. I have been building and repairing computers at my own shop for a living since the mid '90's and I have a lot of clients and friends that still love this old style Email program. I will be telling a lot of people about it. Again, thank you for creating this recreation of what I think is a great and easy to use program.

Rob N.
Sep 4th, 2021
Let me compliment you on your product OE Classic, a world class email program. I have been using OE Classic ever since MS Outlook Express stopped, somewhere in 2014 if I remember well (not sure) when Windows XP ended. I had tried Thunderbird and Windows Live Mail and a few other Email programs, but I found that all these Email programs for me were either too complicated to work with, or too unfriendly to use, or did not offer the features that I wanted. What I especially like about OE Classic is its simple and very VERY customer friendly & easy to use interface. No fuzz, lean and clean, just the things I need and the ability to work off-line and up/download later when online. Also the fact that the mail directories (with .db and .mbx files) are simple in structure and easy to transfer to other computers.

Anyone who was ever a fan of MS Outlook Express under Windows XP should seriously consider using OE Classic.

Anyone who ever used OE Classic and considers to move over to another email program: think twice!!! You WILL be disappointed eventually and regret that you ever left OE Classic.

Anyone who never used OE Classic, I would recommend to stop using your present Email program and move over to OE Classic. You will be pleasantly surprised. I hope that OE Classic offers the possibility to import Email history from other Email programs.

So thanks very much for a wonderful product.

Henk van W.
Thaitraveldreams - thaitraveldreams.com
Aug 31st, 2021
Ich wollte einfach nur mal zurückmelden, das es ein wirklich tolles Email Verwaltungsprogramm ist. Immer wenn ich höre wenn die anderen mit Outlook kämpfen, freue ich mich das ich OE Classic benutze :-)

(I just wanted to tell you that this is a really great email management program. Whenever I hear others are fighting with Outlook, I am happy that I am using OE Classic.)

Ronny W.
Aug 18th, 2021
You can be proud of your product and the support you give! I am so happy to have changed from weird eMClient to OEClassic! eM became very very slow in a few months and takes many seconds just to start or show the next msg...

I imported ALL the email in OE that with the same DB size run and works like a charm :-)

Marco R.
Jul 12th, 2021
Since the old Windows disappeared we discovered OE Classic to replace (the old program). Recently SiteGround upgraded their servers and email settings changed, even though they tried brilliantly to help, I emailed OE Classic Pro and all the right answers came back every time!!!

Their customer service is Primo and the features are brilliant on OE Classic Pro - Don't bother with anything else we have updates all the time, and never looked back. Keep up with the winning formula team.

CI Motorhomes NZ
(Shane S.)
New Zealand
Jun 21st, 2021
I have been using your Outlook Express Classic for about 2 months now since updating to a Windows 10 computer. I must say that I absolutely delighted, it just feels like OE6 but it's not a copy, it's definitely an improvement. Thanks for a great product!

John M.
May 28th, 2021
OEClassic has now become the 'Go To' substitute for the old Microsoft E-mail program 'Outlook Express' which sadly died when Windows 10 was born. It has taken some time and clearly, a lot of hard work to develop this into a very reasonably-priced and easy to use E-mail client with world-class technical support, but it is now up there with the very best and certainly my 'Default E-mail' going forward. Thanks guys!

Geoff L.
Apr 19th, 2021
FINALLY -- A mail client where you can email back-and-forth with the AUTHOR! I've been unhappy with MS Outlook since OL2000 (it was THE BEST). But now, MS Outlook couldn't be more screwed up. Thank you for providing us a great email service, OEClassic!

Lee W.
Jan 10th, 2021
Your product, OE Classic is amazing. Incredible in fact. Logical and efficient.

Email is our organisation's sole means of communication with our world market. We could never have achieved what success we have had without email. Up until OE Classic came along though we had endless problems. Outlook Express problematic and Thunderbird even worse.

Now we don't have any problems at all. So well done and keep up the good work.

Chris S.
Mistral Associates
Nov 23rd, 2020
I have been a very happy user of OE Classic e-mail client software for a few years now and thoroughly recommend it to any e-mail user. It is easy to set up and use, and it is quick in operation. Updates are rapid and painless to install.

I use it to send and receive emails for my seven different e-mail addresses, and the flexibility that allows it to handle these makes my life much easier. I have become more aware of this recently when I have learned of the cumbersome systems many of my contacts use.

In particular the support is outstanding. On the few occasions I have needed to use it the response has been rapid and given clear, intelligent and practical solutions to the issues I have raised.

Richard Wickes
Microft Technology Ltd.
London, UK
Oct 14th, 2020
I love OE Classic!!! It's like having my IncrediMail back again. I had it for so many years and loved it. I email A LOT and am on the computer for many hours. This is just AMAZING...

Barbara B.
Oct 1st, 2020
We paid full price for 4 copies of OE Classic and were happy to do so. We're grateful that a small company has come up with a better, more robust OE work-alike than the hand-grenade MS produced with its fragile binary message store. Support has been good, when we needed it, early on. It is continuing to improve rapidly and now does stuff OE6 never could.

Persevering with XP and OE6 is just an accident waiting to happen. And, if it does blow up badly, it makes a terrible mess. I had a client who lost 5 years of accounting mails and contracts. No backups! It took me 4 days and cost him over £850 to retrieve and clean up all the .EML fragments and recover his mails.

Tony S.
Aug 12th, 2020
Your OE Classic is fantastic. I really love using it and we imported all my old folders from Outlook Express when I eventually upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 10 and a new desktop without a hitch. And there were lots of folders after 20 years Outlook Express on XP.

Even importing my address book folders was no problem, I simply followed your advice and imported one folder at a time.

All worked perfectly. Keep upgrading your brilliant OE Classic!

The ability to migrate into OE Classic works extremely well. I had been waiting years for a programme like yours to become available.

OE Classic has been a game-changer as I desperately needed a replacement for Outlook Express and I never liked Outlook. Your programme has been superb. Please keep developing it and also please keep me updated.

Brian R.
Jul 4th, 2020
I am still using XP SP2 on my HP PC because my wife has many sewing programs and program boxes that only run in XP although I do have a XP notebook backup.

Using MS Outlook Express (via Yahoo) has always been problematic so I searched out OE Classic in May and bought a subscription and installed it. WOW, it went in flawlessly. I imported by old MS OE data and it began to work immediately! Tweaked some settings and was amazed at the way it loaded our emails showing progress and then, deleted them automatically at Yahoo so I don't have this garbage being stored which is nice because one time MS OE or Yahoo tried to download over 12000 old emails and created havoc with my PC.

I am recommending OE Classic to all those that need a new EM system.

Also, you need to advertise OE Classic more because I had to do much searching to come across it; just glad I found it and did not go to a different EM replacement.

CONGRATULATIONS on this fine piece of work!

Gary G. P.
Jun 14th, 2020
I really like everything about OE Classic Pro. Much better and easier to use that other programs like Gmail (which I still have as emergency back up but haven't used much). My wife is also happy because she loved the old Outlook Express. She started having trouble with it and it took awhile to get her to use OE Classic. Once again I was very happy with your prompt help.

Carl K.
May 22nd, 2020
Just to say thank you to OE Classic Pro for excellent software. My version of Outlook Express would no longer download mail from Yahoo! due to SSL/TLS being outdated. I highly recommended OE Classic Pro.

Stuart M.
May 14th, 2020
I have battled with email accounts for 25 years. Your software is amazing. It works! Worth twice the price. Oh those bad days trying to add two or three email accounts. Oh the horror of the manual configuring. You have made my day!

Terrence W.
May 12th, 2020
After having used this great program on four Win 7 & Win 10 PC's for 4 years, it delivers all I ever needed. Straightforward, always works, clean and easy to use. Thank you.

Tony M.
NS, Canada
May 11th, 2020
This is the simplest and easiest yet most effective email program I have ever used. I love it! Thank you!

Mike B.
May 2nd, 2020
The other email programs do not compare to OE Classic. OE Classic is clean, quick, uncluttered and without all the complications of the other programs. Thank you.

James B.
Apr 29th, 2020
Along with OEClassic, I use Apple Mail and Outlook. Apple Mail seems to work when it wants to and requires regular reinstall. Outlook on my Mac Book Pro quit working after a password change and I have not been able to get it back up. I am hardly alone with the Outlook problem. OEClassic hiccups once in a while, but always comes back up whole and working as expected.

Tony S.
Mar 26th, 2020
I am very happy to be able to use this program. I used Thunderbird for a long time, but it was not developed or modernized anymore. So I searched for a long time for an alternative in the direction of Outlook and now I found it with OE Classic. Thank you for this program, I already love it.

Andree E.
Mar 9th, 2020
I just wanted to add my comments to your testimonials. And I do not do this very often.

I can't thank enough whoever wrote and designed this program. I was using Outlook Express for many years and wanted something just like it. Once XP went away, I was stuck using web-mail because I could find a new PC client that I liked. You gave me my answer. Setup and importing all my old mail and settings was incredibly easy. You thought of every detail. Any fan of Outlook Express will feel right at home with OE Classic.

I'm SO happy with this! So thank you thank you thank you.

Mark M.
Feb 19th, 2020
Complimenti! Ho installato OE Classic sul mio computer. E`semplicemente perfetto, non potrei immaginare un programma email più completo e facile da usare. Molto veloce, efficiente ed affidabile anche la Help-Line. Raccomanderò OE Classic ai miei amici ed anche ai professionisti che conosco.

(Congratulations! I installed OE Classic on my computer. It's just perfect, I couldn't imagine a more complete and user-friendly email program. The support is also very fast, efficient and reliable. I will recommend OE Classic to my friends and also to the professionals I know.)

Roland W.
Southern Switzerland
Jan 29th, 2020
I just renewed my subscription to OE Classic Pro and have been and continue to be extremely pleased with this program. It has a clean and simple interface which is easy to navigate, but underneath is a powerful and feature rich e-mail program that just gets better and better. Stay healthy, users around the globe need this program.

Tom S.
Jan 5th, 2020
I LOVE this OE Classic! I am having to retire an XP Pro machine and that means exporting my mail from Outlook Express to another mail client. Windows Live Mail was the only one that behaved like I wanted, but exporting and importing was a HUGE task, and tedious. Then I found this OE Classic and I am THRILLED! The export/import was just point and click! AND it kept the directory structures!!! Thank you so SO much!

Colin G.
Dec 28th, 2019
I would like to express my satisfaction regarding the OE Classic program. I have been using it for almost one and a half year without any problem - recently I updated it to version 3.1. I can say that the program is entirely equivalent (or even superior in some aspects) than the old Outlook Express.

Aurel M.
Nov 9th, 2019
I've been an AI researcher/developer for 35 years, have written hundreds of thousands of LOC in at least a dozen different languages, and used literally thousands of software packages ranging from late 20th century freeware/shareware to massive commercial tools with price tags in 5-6 figures.

I've used insanely expensive commercial software that was as solid as a sandcastle, whereas I have to huff and puff pretty damn hard to get OE Classic even to shake a little bit. You obviously spend a lot of time testing, and it shows.

And when the occasional and inevitable glitch occurs -- and if you've written software, you know that once it gets to even a moderate level of complexity, it's literally impossible to test every conceivable path through the code -- I've gotten almost instantaneous responses and detailed explanations of what caused the glitch and how to work around it. And if it's serious, it'll probably end up fixed in the next release... which will come not next year, or six months from now, but probably next month, or sooner.

I gladly paid for years of free updates, because it's an absolute steal for what you get. I almost cried when I had to upgrade to Win7 (I wouldn't have touched Vista with a barge-pole) and found that my beloved OE was relegated to the junk heap, and my tears changed to tears of joy when I found OEC.

Jon P.
Sep 9th, 2019
Just wanted you to know that this software is exactly what I have been looking for, Microsoft Outlook 2016 is what I have been using for years but there was an ongoing problem with syncing folders that I never could fix and when you're running a business you don't have time to mess around with email problems. So again thank you so much for creating a simple but very effective program.

Zane C.
Jul 23rd, 2019
To the developers of OE Classic... Just bought it today and already love it! I just wish I had found it earlier... like the first time it was released. I also relied on OE until it was pulled. Now I can have it forever.

Thank you for a fantastic and simple program, full of the features and settings I want. Six Stars!

Donald M.
Jun 20th, 2019
OEClassic is so wonderful to work with -- it is business-like, simple, yet a little stylish -- sober with less clutter. And beautiful... and purposeful...

Your prompt and detailed responses show your dedication and understanding not only of technical things but also of users' needs.

You've made email easy and in a neat and clean way. May you keep developing OEClassic with more good features and bug-free. It has made email messaging work like a charm.

May 1st, 2019
Děkuji za OE Classic Pro! Na WinXP mi chodil Outlook Express, po přechdu na Win10 jsem rád za Váš program bez kterého není možno pracovat na PC - OEClassic je naprosto vynikající - děkuji!!!

Thank you for OE Classic Pro! I used Outlook Express on WinXP, after going to Win10 I was glad I found your program without which it would not be possible to work on a PC - OEClassic is absolutely excellent - thank you!!!

Werner G.
Apr 25th, 2019
I have for many years used Outlook Express and I am very pleased with your OE Classic. Thank you for all you do. It works fine for me.

Best regards and congratulation on a wonderful creation.

Larry J.
Mar 22nd, 2019
Used OE Classic for 2 years now, the paid version and with the spell check this email client service far outclasses all the others. I know this not only from my experience, I know this from all the complaints I hear about emailing. I do use this in my business, in a business you need a stable productive tool to ensure a paycheck, BUT even for a casual user, still could not be beaten!

Mar 2nd, 2019
Great product. Couldn't be happier that I purchased this. Keep up the good work. Thanks very much.

Rob T.
ON, Canada
Jan 20th, 2019
Thank you for making this email program available. It is far and away the best one out there. Before I found OEClassic, I was having to use Win XP in a virtual machine to manage my email. This is a very well written program, well worth the cost. Keep up the good work.

Aubrey M.
Jan 18th, 2019
It's not that often that I find/or get recommended such a great product, and on top of that, you guys know what you're doing, because you offer superior support that I don't think I've ever seen before (and that was even before I purchased the program - which I didn't even realize was in 2013 the first time).

Rick W.
Dec 12th, 2018
I think the OE Classic system is far superior and easier to use than other email systems I've used in the past. It really is very good and easy to use. Also, I really appreciate your very prompt and helpful advice and information.

George H.
Oct 24th, 2018
I delivered the new computer to my mother. We sat down together for a lesson on her new email OEC. She LOVES it! She loves the interface (with which she is quite familiar, because she had OE), she loves the address book, but here are the favorite things:

1) that her folder structure was imported almost completely intact, and
2) the colored folders! She absolutely LOVES the colored folders (and I do, too)!

Thanks for a wonderful program. She will be using it daily. I will be recommending it to EVERYONE!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Carol F.
Sep 17th, 2018
A life saver - five stars all the way.

This program works as advertised and the developers were incredibly helpful in assisting me in recovering my old e-mails and address book. I thought I was in deep trouble when a hard disk failure forced me to upgrade from Windows XP (I am really old school) to a new computer and a more up to date operating system, and I feared losing years of saved e-mails and my address book.

Outlook Express Classic is a life saver as it allowed me to recover my e-mails and address book. It works like an upgraded version of Outlook Express - fast, functional, flexible, with local control over my e-mails, and the ability to save as many as I want. I am now back in business with an old friend.

Harvey S.
Aug 6th, 2018
You use the best DB design concept (separate files for separate folders). You have filtering rules so OEClassic is not a useless "email polling application" like this "esteemed" Mailbird thing (they claim to be an email client, I'm not sure how they have been able to convince anyone of that - they have no filtering rules to organize incoming emails). No random glitchy behavior like Thunderbird that I have been able to detect (it has a long history of being buggy, and it still is). I think OEClassic outrates them all.

Randy W.
Aug 4th, 2018
I do hope you guys realize you have created the best email program I've used. It's better than the original OE email program!

Greg S.
Jun 19th, 2018
Although I had purchased this a couple of years ago and did not care for it then, your upgrades made it a GREAT program!!! Please keep going - I would be glad to pay a fee for the new upgrades! I want to use this for many years to come!

Jeff G.
May 12th, 2018
Just a comment to let you know how much I love the OE Classic Pro! I had been stuck with Windows XP because I didn't know what I would do for an email program for my multiple email addresses. Was very easy to setup. I have always hated web based email and love POP email. I will keep my eyes open for updates and look forward to many years of use from this great program!

Tim E.
May 6th, 2018
With your excellent program you get a lot of good positive feedback from all of your happy customers. I just needed to say it again...

THANK YOU for OE Classic Pro. It's by far the best, most stable program, I have ever had pleasure of using since my first PC in '96 (after 11 years of Commodore Amiga...) :)

Barry M.
Apr 24th, 2018
Thanks for such a GREAT program. I've put it on my desktop PC to replace Windows Mail which I had 75+ folders/sub-folders with over 8000 emails & it's handling them all great.

Was getting tired of every update Microsoft made to Windows 10 breaking the hack WinMail.

Bill G.
Mar 12th, 2018
Hello - I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am with OE Classic Pro.

My migration experience was flawless. I had over 6 gigabytes of OE6 mail in nearly 700 DBX files, saved from nearly 20 years of use on Windows XP and Windows 98. I forgot to compress it before importing, but that was no problem. The import worked beautifully, with no errors. I then imported one more DBX file of new mail collected on my backup PC, and then my address book.

I got a big surprise when I found I could also import my account settings - which I did, with no problems. It worked right away. I relocated my mail file to my D:\Drive (data) using the registry tweak, and again it worked right away. And then I found that using OE Classic Pro does work exactly as advertised - just like OE6, but a little bit better.

The only trouble I had was in setting up my signature (name, hyperlink). I didn't realize I also had to type in the "www". I'm too used to browsers that don't require it. It took me a while to figure this out, and I found that the online help didn't help in relation to this - just made it a little more confusing.

I couldn't imagine a migration from a 20+ year old mail system to a new one (or any migration) going so well, but it did. Bravo, and thanks.

Bill R.
MB, Canada
Feb 19th, 2018
I would just like to say a BIG thank you for taking the trouble to develop a superb replacement for the much missed Outlook Express. I was using the "IncrediMail" program, but for me there were far too many childish emoticons. It seemed to be pandering to kids!!

I have deleted that program!

Within hours of installing your "OE Express" I decided to buy it. Thank you once again.

Very best wishes,
Simon S.
Feb 5th, 2018
Ho trovato OE CLASSIC dopo avere provato non so quanti programmi che potessero sostituire Windows Mail (in precedenza utilizzavo Outlook Express), non più funzionante su Windows 10.

Davvero OE CLASSIC è il migliore sostituto dei "vecchi" programmi Microsoft, anzi la grafica è ancora più immediata e piacevolmente colorata.

Un plauso particolare va ai membri del loro staff, sempre molto rapidi nelle risposte ed efficienti nel dare i suggerimenti giusti e disposti ad ascoltare i tuoi. Bravi davvero!

Mi sento assolutamente di consigliare questo programma a chi si sente orfano dei precedenti Outlook Express e Windows Mail, perché non esiste alternativa migliore sul mercato per gestire la propria posta elettronica.

Fra l'altro la versione Pro ora sta perfezionando anche la traduzione in italiano del programma, che è ottima, e a breve sarà disponibile anche la versione per gli account IMAP, non solo POP.

Stefania M.
Jan 29th, 2018
I have the Pro version and love it. It is easy to use and very stable. I have moved email accounts (including address books, and thousands of emails) to OE Classic without any problems. The procedures for doing so are very clearly written. Best of all, the author provides fantastic support. He answers your emails quickly and is open to suggestions for improvements. You will not find this kind customer care with any of the big name email providers like Google or Microsoft.

Dennis C.
Jan 20th, 2018
What a wonderful find your E-Mail client is. We have used Outlook Express for years and when Cox told us to change server settings it crashed and burned! I Googled "best replacement" and up popped your program. Many, many congratulations on such a splendid work of art. I think it's even better than Microsoft's original effort. You should try Cox's own. Ghastly... non-resident on the computer... Have to download the entire app just to read one E-mail... I don't think so.

Gilbert R.
Jan 18th, 2018
I commend you on your fine product. Your legacy OE Classic's replacement for MSFT's disastrous decision to do away with Outlook Express is a testament to the ingenuity of all "true-blue" techs.

Bruce B.
Jan 9th, 2018
I LOVE!!!, this program.

Microsoft in their desire to fuddle us users has once again thrown a wrench in the works. My computer was recently (yesterday) updated to the latest release of Windows 10. When it was all said and done, it killed my ability to use my old version of 'Windows Mail'. As a result it left me without a viable, acceptable alternative.

Then I stumbled upon, and was delivered from the depths of despair when I found OE Classic. At first I just tried the free version. But after playing with it for only a few minutes, I was sold, which is why I purchased the Pro version.

Daniel G.
Dec 20th, 2017
I've had much frustration finding a replacement for Outlook Express & finally Windows Mail as I'm no fan of browser based Email clients (webmail). I've been using Windows Mail Hacks that worked through Windows 7 & 10 version 1703, however version 1709 broke that hack thus I was left in the cold until I came across your free download of OE Classic. Once I used it and saw how easy it was to use & the security of it, I had to purchase your Pro version to gain the full benefits of your fine and reasonably-priced OE Classic Pro.

Thank you for such a fine program & looking forward to future years of using it.

Good day,
Bill G.
Dec 16th, 2017
The more I use OE Classic, the more I like it! I have even discovered that it contains a fuller set of fonts for outgoing mail than the original. I think that as more people become of its existence it will wipe out the dreadful and severely limited Windows Mail. As its creator, you have every reason to be proud!

Not only is OE Classic an excellent product, which gets progressively better, but your technical back-up service is unequaled and the initial price for the product is extremely modest.

Adrian J. E.
Dec 6th, 2017
Thank you, thank you for this EXCELLENT program - it's perfect and also 100 percent what I had been looking for. I had been using Outlook Express in earlier Windows versions and then later Win Live Mail and finally Win Mail.

A VERY happy customer :)
Barry M.
Dec 2nd, 2017
Brilliant piece of software. Like Windows OE only better. Thanks. You've saved our lives!

Microsoft's thugs pulled our OE6 and replacing it with Thunderbird has been sheer hell. We will recommend you to our friends and colleagues.

Good luck with your enterprise!

Chris S.
Nov 25th, 2017
I am very pleased with the quality of the program and service.

Simon B.
Nov 11th, 2017
I tried the 2.7 on my wife's Windows 10 Pro Lenovo Laptop and it works perfectly. I would like to compliment you on a brilliant achievement!

You guys sure have amazing foresight. I wish you every success and a magnificent future - you deserve it.

Dealing with software suppliers over the years, I have experienced support ranging from poor to mediocre to good. In very rare cases, excellent.

However, the way you have responded to my problem and resolved it is magnificent! Your support has given me the opportunity to experience something really exceptional. In today's world filled with mediocrity, dealing with you is like a breath of fresh air.

Thank you so much for an outstanding product as well as brilliant support.

Laurence L.
South Africa
Oct 30th, 2017
I chose OE Classic as an email client mainly because it could store my more important old emails and attachments in industry standard formats so my data is now future proofed.

Having asked for technical help only twice in the last few years, another reason has become clear. Each time OE Classic's speed of response and the quality of the advice has let me quickly fix the issue and then get on with what I was using email for.

With updates on a regular basis offering more email functionality, why would anyone who chooses their own email client download anything else?

I can recommend OE Classic.

Graham S.
Oct 29th, 2017
I have to say I love OE Classic Pro, a brilliant program, no nonsense interface, and all my various business emails opening in the same place. What could be better? Many thanks.

Havard D.
Oct 22nd, 2017
I have never ever experienced such speedy and helpful service from any company like I did after ordering the OE Classic Pro version of this email service. I've searched and searched for an email program to replace my very outdated Windows Mail program. Nothing came close to the formatting I need for saving files to my computer like I experienced with Windows Mail.

However, I am so grateful to the team member who helped me set up my new OE Classic Pro version that I want other potential customers to know about this excellent service and the speed of responding is beyond belief. Thank you for providing this outstanding service. Now, I can save my mail files to my computer exactly like I did before with Windows Mail and know that I am using a reliable and updated email program.

Chase E.
Oct 20th, 2017
It's really refreshing to receive accurate support on such a timely basis! Further, I continue to be impressed by the intuitive, ease of use of OE Classic Pro; it's the best software buy I have ever made!

Thanks again,
D. R.
Oct 19th, 2017
Wow! That fast (reply). Excellent service once again. Unbeatable support in this day and age. Feel free to put this into your Testimonials page.

John M.
BC, Canada
Oct 2nd, 2017
I am very pleased to advise that the migration worked well without any problems. All my Outlook Express emails (some 2.62 GB of 348 DBX files and folders), all IAF settings and address book came across without any issues. Very pleased with the changeover and with what I can see so far. The look and feel of the program is like an old friend and it's nice to continue with that familiarity.

Kind regards,
John D.
Sep 27th, 2017
You have done a very good job with OE Classic, congratulations. I had OE6 for many years and I had a lot of emails saved in it, emails which I need for my job. With OE Classic 2.7 - it is all exactly the same.

Polidoros Stavropoulos (SV1AHH)
Sep 21st, 2017
I just want to congratulate on the loading speed of OE Classic. I have never seen a program load as fast.

Don M.
Sep 3rd, 2017
I think OE Classic Pro is much better than any "free" email programs that I have used over the last 30+ years.

Thank you and good luck with OE Classic.

Alan G.
Aug 17th, 2017
Recently upgraded to OE PRO.

There is little to add to all the bloggers who praised you to heaven!
Anyway, a great thanx from all the way out of Ushuaia, Argentina.

One could only wish all programmers would be that straight forward and honest.
Keep up the good work.

Best regards,
Henk B.
Aug 14th, 2017
The "creators" of this version of OE6 told me several years ago, that Microsoft OE6 refuses to install on WIN7 and later because the newer DLLs in the Windows folder are no longer compatible with OE. Attempting to install OE over these DLLs (which are already open) makes Windows reject and refuse the installer. As a result, they (not Microsoft) created a new installer which installs the older DLLs locally. They made no source code changes at all, and provide no support. As a result, although OE6 does now install and run on WIN7 and later, by using local DLLs, the existing OE6 issues still remain.

Now to OEClassic. I do recall some teething hassles at the outset, which is why I reverted to OE6. However with OE6 frustrations, I finally decided to retry OEClassic, and I am really glad I did. Aside from the fact that your continued response and support is absolutely superb, the product is excellent. I now have transferred all my accounts, messages, rules, signatures and contacts from OE6 to OEClassic, and have a live full volume comparison test bed.

Results: THE OECLASSIC RESPONSE COMPARED TO THE OE6 RESPONSE IS PHENOMENAL! I never thought I would say this, but I would never go back to old OE6!

Your hard work is VERY much appreciated.
Thanks yet once again.

Sim S.,
Jul 20th, 2017
Love the new update, WELL worth the wait!

Thank You,
Joe S.
Jul 8th, 2017
I installed OE Classic Pro yesterday on Windows 10 computer and imported all 17 years of OE 6 emails with large attachments, etc. seamlessly from the old XP computer. I have been using OE Classic for two days and am very satisfied. The look and feel of the interface are remarkably similar to OE 6. Thank you for an excellent email client allowing users to keep emails secure on our own hardware.

Mike W.
Jul 2nd, 2017
A big thank you for a fantastic software. I wish all software companies were as conscientious as you obviously are. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Peter G.
Jun 14th, 2017
Just wanted to Thank-You for all your hard work to make OEClassic such a successful E-Mail program.

It's great to be able to use a program that just works correctly day in and day out.

It is very obvious that this program has very capable programmers who are competent.

Lastly, these old eyes of mine Thank-You for the recent update that allows me zoom in on my emails. This is a welcomed improvement.

Best Regards,
Bob J.
Jun 12th, 2017
I am so glad I purchased OE Classic Pro! When I recently acquired a new (used) computer, I struggled mightily to transfer my email (messages, contacts, everything) onto my new computer to no avail.

I reached out to OE Classic support and what a magnificent representatives of OE Classic they were! Over the course of a weekend, they promptly and very calmly responded to my panicked emails. Although they had given me succinct and comprehensible directions, I was unable to follow them properly. They (later) solved all my problems (and taught me important maintenance techniques) with outstanding knowledge, patience, humor, and kindness.

I will happily recommend OE Classic Pro because of its ease of use, but most of all because of the remarkable customer service I received today.

I can never thank you enough for providing such a great email program and for its accompanying magnificent customer service.

Margaret F. C.
May 16th, 2017
I have used OE Classic Pro for a year now and I can warmly recommend the email program to everyone who's in the market for a totally uncomplicated, safe and very easy to use program. The purchase price has proven to be very good value for money!

When I asked for help, I always promptly received answers. A self-inflicted user "hiccup" causing a minor error was equally promptly attended to and solved within minutes.

Cheers and best regards,
Jens K.
Queensland, Australia
May 9th, 2017
As I use OE Classic more, I find it maybe the best email program I have ever used, and fella, I started using email when it was just Message Board. An email program that is simple, easy to set up and easy to use is what the public wants, not a program of a million options that drives you crazy (Outlook, not Outlook Express, Express was MS's last common sense program) and OE Classic is just that, easy to use. So please keep it up.

Joel Dirk M.
May 7th, 2017
I have a comment overall.

1. I wholeheartedly appreciate your efforts in particular. You have been more curious and consistent than the customer. Hope we would have individuals like you across the globe!
2. I was used to Outlook express and was tuned. When I came to know that XP is discontinued and the further versions of Windows do not provide any email client, I was desperate. I fortunately happened to come across the information of OE Classic. This is just the product I longed for. I am totally satisfied with the performance and features of the product.

In a nut shell, thank you OE Classic and wish all the best for the whole team.

Thank you for everything,
Mr. Shekhar S.
Apr 27th, 2017
We were looking for a replacement for the old Outlook Express, and came across OE Classic in our search. We have been using OE Classic for a few weeks now and it's great. It's a modernized Microsoft Outlook Express, that looks nicer and works better. The program is great, and on top of that, tech support is excellent, quick and efficient. At first we thought the testimonials sounded too good to be true, but now here we are adding a new one, just like the ones we've already read.

Another happy customer,
Apr 25th, 2017
I used Outlook Express for ages. I valued its simplicity, being balanced with features and had beautiful typography when it comes to displaying email messages. I considered and used other mail clients, such as Thunderbird, Apple Mail, MS Outlook, Windows Live Mail, Emclient, Mailbird, but they did not qualify as a replacement to Outlook Express for holding my vast email archive, for aesthetic reasons and also because with their own proprietary formats, once you have converted to one of these tools, you have to stay with it forever.

So, after Microsoft has discontinued Outlook Express, I continued to ran it inside a virtual machine in Windows XP Mode, which I set up specifically for this purpose. That worked up until now, but, unfortunately, one day the Windows simply said that the virtual machine is not usable anymore, because its has became corrupt. Thus, I was suddenly cut out from 19 years of my saved emails, saved notes and various text projects.

I was able to recover Outlook Express'es mail storage from the virtual machine, but decided not to let Microsoft close to my email from this point on anymore.

With OE Classic, I was able to import 7.5 GB of my archives and be up and running again in the course of hours. I value OE Classic for its ability to edit messages in various folders - I used it a lot in Outlook Express for taking notes, and missing of this feature in other mail clients was a turn-off. I value OE Classic for its open storage format, which serves as an assurance that the mail is not locked under one vendor. OE Classic also done great job importing and handling vast amounts of messages without any glitch.

I recommend OE Classic to everyone looking for a replacement for the original Outlook Express and its siblings (Windows Mail, Windows Live Mail) as well as just looking for a decent, capable mail client!

Andrey P.
Apr 7th, 2017
I have to say that I have always received immediate replies from you for any questions I have had. I can't tell you how much your service is appreciated. There's no one else who compares! I haven't seen a place on OE Classic site to report on the wonderful customer service you provide, but if there's a place, please let me know.

I don't know why anyone would use anything other than OE Classic, so uncomplicated (mostly) to those of us who aren't computer whizzes. We were kind of forced to try another email provider, in our case we chose "Gmail". Their format, as far as I am concerned, is horrible! Give me OE Classic anytime!

Lida S.
Apr 2nd, 2017
SO NICE to have an OE look-a-like program that we are familiar with (and so much more user friendly) than having to change to another email client that is so poorly thought out. And the support... what a breath of fresh air... to get an answer in such a timely manner! Thanks again, very much appreciated.

Tom B.
Apr 1st, 2017
The latest updates to OECLASSIC are WONDERFUL!

1. I can now compose emails without "shouting" which is how people perceive an "all upper case" email.
2. I now can READ all emails much more easily without having to grab my keyboard to do the control scroll wheel action, which was difficult for me.


Eric T.
Mar 31st, 2017
I am enjoying my OE Classic... It is working like a charm so far, and so easy and simple to use.

Thanks for you help. I am recommending OE Classic to others.

Herman K.
Mar 24th, 2017
I just would like to say I love your program. I was still using XP up until last week because I didn't want to lose Outlook Express. But I switched when I found OE Classic. Great program.

Dave S.
Mar 23rd, 2017
I like the program, user friendly and straightforward to use, just what I wanted.

Mark S.
Victoria, Australia
Mar 13th, 2017
At a problem solving forum where users were outraged at Microsoft Mail, one thoughtful person left a link to OE Classic saying, "try this." Having spent countless, fruitless hours trying to solve problems and find features in Mail and Thunderbird, I bought the program and wished I had found it long ago. Most folks probably have at least three email accounts and will need the paid version. I can testify this is a stand-up company.

The tech support alone is worth the price and outclasses Microsoft's by far. The program's interface is well designed, and the manual adequately covers its features. Still, I emailed two questions on a Sunday, and both answers came that day. I asked if there was a short-cut to block an email address and found it is already on the to-do list. The answer contained additional, helpful detail I had not even asked for. The second question was how to change default colors for a certain aspect of the program. Windows 10 doesn't allow for that, but the technician told me how I could get around that by editing the Windows Registry, and gave me the personal settings he was using.

The program's many features, simplicity, and ease of use - were exactly what I was looking for and have already been covered by others. I'll only add that by using Thunderbird's export features (to a CSV file) and OE Classics import features, I was able to retrieve my old emails and addresses. Couldn't do that in Mail for Win 10. Thanks, OE Classics.

D. S.
Mar 10th, 2017
This email program is by far the best one I have used since Outlook. Very easy to use and a nice layout!

Roger W.
Feb 8th, 2017
Thank you very much, your service is always excellent and your responses are very prompt. You have an excellent product that I've been telling others about!

Doug D.
SK, Canada
Feb 7th, 2017
Only just now installed your OE Classic. Can't help writing back about how easy and quick the process was and how easy it is to manage my emails. Looks like I fell in love at first sight! :) Pity I've looked for comfortable email program elsewhere for so long... Thank you for the great software!

Olga K.
Feb 1st, 2017
I am so pleased with your OE Classic program. I delayed switching from Outlook Express because I thought it might be difficult to use. But it is a pleasure so far! Congratulations on this excellent program!

Lisa E.
Jan 25th, 2017
This is a good email (client). It installs so easily. It is easy to navigate and has an appealing looks. I like that you can increase the icon size for Create, Reply, Forward, Send/Receive etc. Especially for older folks. It looks like Outlook Express which is nice.

- It looks like O'express, BUT better!
- It is easy to use...
- Easy to install
- Great email program. Where have you been all my life!!!

The HTML type stuff is what some people live for. Especially older folks for some reason. The reason is that email is sole method of communication for many. And to be able to dress it up and have "fun" with it along the way is great. That is what the original OE had some of that, but WLM 2009 was the best in that regard, but for my brother, he likes to dabble in playing with HTML code. Just a tiny bit. Like adding moving banners, and little cartoons that move etc. That is why he loved the original OE as you could modify the source code a little. You can do it also with WM. BUT NOT WLM. Not even the 2009 version. But with OE Classic you can do that. Please do not take that away!

Richard H.
Jan 14th, 2017
I love the program and have broken my addiction to Outlook Express, very freeing.

For years Outlook Express, in my opinion, was the best and easy to use and about the only one that could have folders and sub folders which I use extensively. Sadly the tyranny of Microsoft pushing us to their will made it harder and harder to keep it working. Honestly I was fearful of moving from a program I knew so well. The transition was simple and intuitive. I am only sorry I waited so long.

Your program, OE Classic offers all the good stuff from Outlook Express with none of the Big Brother stuff. Not to mention excellent and prompt technical help, try that with the big M! I will be recommending OE Classic to everyone who is fed up with all the other email programs, thanks.

Ed J.
Jan 2nd, 2017
Thanks for the program! I wish I hadn't waited 'til upgrading to Windows 10 to find it. This is one of very few programs that I've paid for right after trying it.

Jim B.
Dec 26th, 2016
After trying to wrap my head around Thunderbird for the last 3 years I just want to GET ALL THE TIME BACK I wasted on that garbage. The hours of reading up on issues, googling for fixes and endless plugins to do the most basic stuff...

OEClassic is way more than a fresh breath of air!! It's throwing off the shackles, hooray!

It works, it's rock-stable, it's pleasant to look at and best of all... it's SIMPLE!

To make things even better, it was found just in time as trying to teach a 90y/o mum a new Windows as well as a new email client (from her trusty, old XP/OE6) would've been worse than laying a noose around my neck. She took to OEC with a smile and an "Ooohhh, THIS IS NICE!! Thanks, boy!".

Which made for one hell of a great Christmas-present. Thanks to you guys. Bravo!

Sooo glad to have found OEClassic... MS just has to hang their head in shame.

Pete K.
Victoria, Australia
Dec 22nd, 2016
I want to say how happy I am, I found your software as a OE substitute. I never did like other software including Outlook as much as OE and when I moved to Windows 10 I was so disappointed to find the terrible programs that I found.

They all seemed to fail in functionality, simplicity, clarity and ease as OE did. I was starting to think I would need to make a program myself when I found your OE Classic. I do wish you great success with it and hope well for your ventures.

R. C. S.
Dec 19th, 2016
I must say I have had nothing but wonderful support from you and your team regarding any questions I may have about OE Classic!

Above and beyond!

Thank you again for making such a wonderful product and having such awesome support!

Alice D.
Dec 7th, 2016
Hi guys,

I just want to say a big thank you for your product. My Father, who is now over 80 and was never into PCs had a PC I had built him running XP with Outlook Express. The thing had ground to a standstill so I saved all his documents including all the OE files and made a new PC with an SSD and a fresh W7.

I was searching for something simple for him to use and found your product. I installed, purchased imported and all is good. Many thanks.

Chris T.
Dec 2nd, 2016
I used Thunderbird and hated it. It is bloated with unwanted stuff and is very sticky with hanging at times. No one seems to answer the help.

So I am using OE Classic (Pro) and I love its basic and simple actions.

Gretchen S.
Nov 30th, 2016
This is an excellent program - my XP finally died and I was extremely happy to migrate over to this.

Dave S.
Nov 21st, 2016
I've been using OEClassic for 3 years and it is ROCK SOLID! Updates have been no problem.

I've recommended OEClassic to others, and it is one of the few programs for which I need give NO caveats. It's that good. Well worth every penny.

Thank you for a great email product that I thoroughly enjoy using.

Bob S.
Nov 19th, 2016
Making OE Classic, a near clone to Outlook Express is a Godsend to us seniors comfortable with the old OE. Appreciate your insight and ability to deliver a dependable replacement product with similar icons etc. I'll spread the word to others, whenever opportunity exists.

Richard K.
Nov 16th, 2016
We are pleased with your program, it's been about 1 year of usage. Thank you!

Tony M.
NS, Canada
Nov 15th, 2016
I enjoy using OE Classic, the program is a credit to you!

Peter R.
Nov 5th, 2016
You are in the market with a great product at the time when Microsoft dumped a good product and replaced it with an awful product. Just have a look at the feedback on their website and you have every possible feedback for your system!

Terry G.
Western Australia, Australia
Oct 29th, 2016
Just a quick note to say I landed on your OE Classic whilst searching for an alternative to Outlook 2016. Having spent many hours on the phone and getting nowhere I was about to give up on finding a desktop email handler. I much prefer to keep my emails locally rather than in a cloud where all sorts of things are snooped on!

Many thanks for a lovely simple program. It seems to be working beautifully, having followed your simple and complete instructions for transfer my old info to it.

Keith R.
North Wales, UK
Oct 27th, 2016
I downloaded your program after downloading several others as a substitute for Windows 10 Mail. Yours is the easiest, simplest, and fastest to use. I am so glad I found your mail program. I cannot tell you enough how much better it is than any email program out there. I am able to send links, attachments, and more in my email. It is fast and user friendly. I love the 2.6 beta paid version, and am so happy that you have made this available. Thank you.

Dawn H.
Oct 16th, 2016
I just thought I'd let you know how pleased I am with OE Classic. I have six email accounts (including two Gmail accounts) which I use OE Classic for. Visually and otherwise the client is a pleasure to use.

I never thought that I'd be happy with another client after the demise of the original Outlook Express, but only tonight I realised that your OE Classic makes me just as pleased as having the original. I look forward to what you have in store for us in the future.

Many thanks.

Tom M.
Oct 5th, 2016
Can I just say thank you - as another old dinosaur who has just reluctantly got a new computer with Windows 10, I was looking for something to replace my old faithful Outlook Express, which served me well for years. I had a quick look at Outlook and I have never seen such a pile of unnecessary stuff! Your personal customer service is wonderful and an absolute breath of fresh air. I'm absolutely delighted to have found your software and I can see I'm going to love it.

Jane M.
Derbyshire, UK
Oct 3rd, 2016
I've been messing with computers and software since 1984 and never have received this level of interest and support from any hardware or software company. And your software is EXACTLY what I was hoping to find. Learning curve is zero because I'm already very familiar with the interface. VERY nice!

Tom S.
Oct 1st, 2016
I am totally enjoying OE Classic Pro. OE Classic was easy to set up and easy to navigate. I had no problem importing information from Outlook Express. I was a fan of Outlook Express, investigated a number of other mail programs, and am happy I chose OE Classic. Thank you.

Lida S.
Sep 30th, 2016
I just downloaded the software and I am SURPRISED how easy it was. I compared it to Thunderbird/Incredimail/Outlook and it is a lot better to work with. THANK YOU!

Paul Z.
Victoria, Australia
Sep 21st, 2016
I find that OEClasic email program is the best alternative to Outlook Express and it is so much cheaper. It is very easy to deal with. And whenever one gets some difficulties, it is so easy to send a "help" message to which one gets a very helpful answer the next day - that option Outlook does not serve. But the best feature is, when I do a backup "in and outgoing" mails every month to an external hard drive, to minimize the number on the computer, then it is possible to open and read the messages directly from the backup file. In Outlook one needs to have a special program or reinstall the mail again into Outlook. Thank you for a very good email program which I can recommend to everybody.

Stig V.
Sep 15th, 2016
Thank you for an impressive product. I had been lazy about updating and was still running v2.1 (released July 19th, 2014). I recently installed v2.51. I am surprised at how much faster 2.51 runs and communicates with the email servers. It is nice to have a product that is actively supported.

Charles D.
Sep 6th, 2016
Thank you for offering OE Classic. It's so nice to use something I understand and can configure... It's the only client I've really liked.

Jon W.
Sep 5th, 2016
Hi - Thank you so much for building this app.

I've used OE6 for years the way it was NEVER intended - as a giant filing cabinet for decades of mail and needless to say I've had the expected issues due to folder size limitations and have spent who knows how many hours (and the cost of DataNumen) fixing corruptions and restoring data. I run XP/Parallels/iMac and now that I am being forced to upgrade Parallels/MacOS/Windows, I had to find a new mail app since I refuse to create a Microsoft account and the built in mail app is worse than terrible. I tried ******** on my wife's new Win10 machine thinking I would get the commercial version. What a piece of ****.

I figured I was screwed as I just couldn't find a mail app that would work the way I work. Then in another search I found your app. I'm elated.

All in all tremendous app and service. I can't say enough nice things. For me it is worth twice the money you charge. You have saved me a ton of aggravation.

I already switched my wife over from ******** - just so you know your competition. A week to get an email reply. Then 4-5 days between replies. The app was auto deleting her mail with the feature disabled. Then their only suggestion was sending them logs. And this is in Win 10 it was designed for.

Jeff W.
Sep 1st, 2016
Just wanted to say how much I like this program. Thanks.

Ron S.
Aug 25th, 2016
Excellent professional help with installation and questions. I highly recommend the OE Classic Pro! I have been using it for 2 months.

Shirley N.
Aug 18th, 2016
Thank you. This program is marvelous, beautifully crafted, a pleasure to use.

Allen G.
Aug 9th, 2016
I have used Outlook Express since 1998, and when I was forced to let go of Windows XP recently, I knew I was in trouble. No email client is as simple and intuitive as Outlook Express. And now it was gone... until I discovered OE Classic. Simply AMAZING! Thank you so much!!! It's like Outlook Express on steroids. Amazing support and lightning fast response to suggestions. I still smile every time I go on and realize I still have Outlook Express in my life and business. Again, thank you to the developers.

Ken W.
ON, Canada
Aug 5th, 2016
I love this email program - love the simplicity of it and the clean look of it too.

I also love the fact that you respond to help messages so quickly.

Thank you very much for creating such a great email client.

Kim R.
Victoria, Australia
Aug 3rd, 2016
OE Classic works like a dream, so glad this is on the market.

Gary B.
Jul 4th, 2016
No need to reply to this! I just wanted to thank you for making an email client that is so good while using little memory. For me, it is around 18 MB which is so neat and conservative.

Some email programs I have used have been 200 MB, or even more, and some have multiple processes, all taking yet more.

It's fantastic what you have achieved for such a full-featured program, and I just wanted to let you know my appreciation.

George A.
Jun 29th, 2016
I really appreciate the fast replies I receive from you. The support you've been providing certainly justifies getting the PRO.

Jun 26th, 2016
I am so glad that you took the time and effort to write a program that so closely resembles OE, which I think has exactly the right features for regular email use. Now likely even better with your improvements and features.

Thanks again,
Eldad B.
Jun 20th, 2016
I just wanted to say how positive our experience has been with OE Classic, and we've just upgraded to OE Classic Pro.

The main reason is how good the programme is for my severely sight impaired wife. The system is simple and fast, and we love the simple way to magnify both received emails and when writing new ones (we've christened it 'Control and roll'). The truly impressive thing is that the magnification reformats the text so none is lost from the visible pane. So many magnifiers we have used enlarge the text but half of it then drops off the side of the pane making it very difficult to use.

Add to that the simple folder system and the astonishingly quick and personal response to our queries early, it's really transformed our use of email.

Thanks so much, keep up the good work.

All the best,
Dan and Di A.
Jun 17th, 2016
Thanks so much! It took less than a minute from start to finish, and the Subject sort even ignores any prefacing Re:'s. Bravo! Your program brings so much happiness to my life (I have to use Outlook at work and hate it).

Martin F.
Jun 16th, 2016
I just love this OE Classic Pro email program you have made available at such a reasonable price. I plan to spread the word to all my friends about what a great program it is, and what good service I have gotten already.

Kindest personal regards,
Arnold B.
Jun 16th, 2016
Thank you so much for all your hard work. I have never regretted buying OE Classic. You keep on improving on an already great program. I could have chosen a lot of other e-mail clients after Microsoft dumped us but yours is absolutely the best. You really amazed me that you kept track of the improvement I was waiting for. You are awesome and so is OE Classic.

Yours truly,
Wayne H. N.
Jun 15th, 2016
As always, thank you for your prompt and detailed reply. Your customer service is top notch and I continue to love the program. I can't tell you how many times I have wished for a certain feature or improvement, only to have it happen with the next update!

I'm very pleased that I chose OE Classic. Thank you for being so good at what you do and so responsive to your customers. :-)

Jahnna D.
Jun 10th, 2016
Not only you always add great new stuff, but you guys also send out such helpful explanations/screenshots and have such fantastic support. Thank you so much for all your hard working improving a program that is already so very good! I can't imagine using anything else! I hope this software sells really well, as it deserves to. Thanks again.

Jun 6th, 2016
Dear Friend,

THANK YOU very much for all the time and energy you are spending to continuously improve OE Classic. Keep up the good job!!!

Fabio P.
Jun 5th, 2016
I thank the day I found OE Classic.

Best wishes.
Mike S.
Jun 5th, 2016
Many thanks for your email advising of Message Rules. I really appreciate this evidence of your good business acumen regarding customer service. I continue to enjoy my usage of your software.

Brian V.
New South Wales, Australia
Jun 4th, 2016
Message Rules are ABOVE and BEYOND OE; OE was simple; Yours is elaborate... choices I don't even understand. You really outdid the original and then some! Terrific job. Just waiting for a new email to come in to test it.

Thank you,
Jun 2nd, 2016
You have done a fantastic job in providing folks like me a 'normal' e-mail program.

Howard P.
Jun 1st, 2016
I absolutely love the new incoming message rules. Now that my incoming mail is sorted into its appropriate folder, I can see at a glance which ones I need to read right away and which I can read later based on the folders they are in.

I like the feature of being able to use multiple addresses for one rule. I noticed there is also a ton of choices regarding what to do with messages. Appears to be very complete.

This is a MAJOR update and you've done an excellent job. Thanks for your work and dedication. That shows in the quality of work you produce.

Have a great day.

Steven P.
Jun 1st, 2016
Just to say REALLY pleased to see 2.5 with Message Rules released. This is a Major upgrade and makes OE Classic the ideal email program for me...

With thanks
Paul R.
May 18th, 2016
I love my OE Classic Pro and refuse to use any other email program. Much more versatile. Nothing else holds a candle to it.

Paul S.
May 18th, 2016
Wow a real person and I haven't even paid yet! Thank you so much for your full and perfectly clear answers to my questions. I have to say it is very refreshing to have a software vendor talk to me like the guy at me local hardware store that has helped me out with any problem I show up with and fully before helping the next guy. You guys are setting a standard in customer support that simply does not exist elsewhere on line.

Nothing short of 5 stars here! *****

James G.
May 15th, 2016
OE Classic is wonderful! I love it and would recommend it to anyone.

Thanks for your help.
John C.
May 13th, 2016
I just wanted to let you know how impressed I was at the level of support that you offered after I inadvertently corrupted the file structures of my various e-mail addresses using some other software, which also added numerous duplicate files making things very difficult to understand.

Thank you for sorting the mess out. That is tremendous; more than I could have hoped for and all without charge. I don't know where else you can get service like that these days. It was amazing to sit here and watch it all happen. Well done.

Please feel free to use all or part of my comments as a testimonial.

Best wishes,
Apr 29th, 2016
I develop software for a living too, so I both understand and appreciate what you are doing. Going to be recommending OEClassic to all my friends and family, it is much needed, and fills a real gap in the market. Thanks for great communications too, don't know how do you find the time :)

Andy P.
Apr 29th, 2016
I have been hanging on to my XP and Outlook Express. The email finally is being more than difficult. I downloaded OE Classic and was able to get it working. A feat that surprised me. I want to thank you very much for having this program available. I think it was far easier to install and use than I ever expected.

Tim G.
Apr 29th, 2016
Purchased OE Classic Pro yesterday and I am so pleased with the program I had to tell you....... I'M REALLY PLEASED WITH THIS PROGRAM!!! Thank you for developing it.... if you ever come up with an Internet Browser let me know..... I'll be first in line to get it.

Robert S.
Apr 26th, 2016
I just wanted to say Thank You for all of your hard work, and for the improved convenience and functions of OE Classic Pro! I particularly like being able to see/edit the source code in reply and new emails.

OE Classic Pro is more like the friendly old Outlook Express that I remember (without the old OE problems and flaws)!

And thank you for continuing your great work!

Kind Regards,
Jason C.
Apr 23rd, 2016
It worked great, and I am enjoying your hard work. Absolutely the best email app for Windows 10.

Thanks again,
Sterling H.
Apr 15th, 2016
Absolutely fantastic... Very very very happy about this update, have made my life so much easier. Happy to be a paid customer. Thank you very much!

All the best to you
Richard T.
Apr 15th, 2016
I just want to send you a HUGE THANK YOU for adding this to your very excellent program.

This, and the URL now showing in the status bar when hovering over the link, are absolutely brilliant additions.

You've made me very happy and I am 100% delighted with your perfect replacement for Outlook Express.

Very best wishes
Steve W.
Apr 8th, 2016
As a fellow independent developer, it is good to see your are continuing development, and even engaging users in feature choices! I tend to get distracted myself by day-to-day "emergencies" like hackers or client website content.

I bought the OE program for my mother rather than retrain her on Outlook 2010 or 2013. I am sure it will work well.

Roman B. V.
Mar 29th, 2016
At last alternative to Incredimail... love it miss the old XP days but on 7.

Mar 25th, 2016
Guess I have been using the program for a month or so, and have found it very easy to use, quick, spell and punctuation corrector. No glitches or hang ups, nothing. I did get one update, and this also was almost too easy. You guys have put together a great, easy to use email program.

Great work
Glenn M.
Mar 22nd, 2016
This is a super great piece of software. My hats off to anyone involved in its creation. Thanks a bunch.....

I have been using Win XP and refused MS to go to anything else. Win 7 is my MEBU (Mission Essential Back-Up).

Rick A.
Mar 9th, 2016
I'll always be grateful you were there to bail out us "Outlook Express" users when Microsoft abandoned us. You were the ONLY one! No other mail program does what your does and believe me I looked long and hard at many email programs before I decided on yours.

The sign of a good program is one you never think about. It always does what it's supposed to do. I never think about your program and that IS a complement.

Anyway, keep up the good work my friend.

Steven P.
Mar 6th, 2016
I sure like OE classic. Exactly what I wanted in an e-mail program.

John B.
Mar 5th, 2016
I think that your OE Classic is a fantastic program. Thanks for all the assistance with my installation.

John M.
Mar 4th, 2016
I tried OEClassic; of course it works. I was even surprised by the speed at which the messages from Sympatico (around 30) were transferred.

I will definitely promote your program around.

Claude B.
Mar 3rd, 2016
Hi guys,

You are absolute life savers. I am still very state of the ark and have been using Outlook Express 6 on Windows XP for the last 500 years but was forced to upgrade due to hardware malfunction. I hated all the other mail apps out there and couldn't believe my luck when I stumbled across you guys! I love the app.

Fiona B.
Feb 29th, 2016
I'm a new user and am very impressed with the program. It is "Outlook Express" but with numerous improvements. Glad I found you as I upgrade computers and go from XP to Windows 10.

Pat R.
Feb 29th, 2016
This is Fantastic!!! Thank you for all 3 replies. Life will be so much easier, especially when you institute the Portable version for use with USB. I now already keep my docs on USB for simplicity of use between the 2 machines.

I'll purchase your Pro version later this evening! Thank you so MUCH!

I've been looking for something "like" Outlook Express and haven't been happy with anything - until now! So glad I found this!

Best Regards,
Carol R.
Feb 29th, 2016
You are spectacular! I cannot tell you how long I searched for a program to accomplish my goals. The download was easy and fast. The import worked very accurately: folder and emails. Of 4 companies I called or emailed, you were the only one to follow through and reply - and fast! This speaks so well for you and your company... service is SO lacking these days. Please feel free to use this as an endorsement.

Bob L.
40 years travel experience
Feb 22nd, 2016
As far as having "difficulties", not really. It was extremely easy to setup, even if it wasn't your full Pro Version. :)

It works as good or better than MS Outlook Express worked before they (MS) "ended" it in "Windows 7".

Thanks and Have a Great Day,
Ralph S.
Feb 19th, 2016
Thank you very much for the instructions from Vista to Windows 10. I had to do this remotely for a computer illiterate friend and the result was perfect for him.

He purchased the Pro version mostly because he was pleased but also to remove the ad.

Only wish I had found this sooner before trying Thunderbird, MailBird, etc. The others have a modern look but couldn't import existing mail or were too confusing for him.

So thank you very much. Keep up the good work!

Scott H.
Feb 11th, 2016
Thank you so much for showing how to set the font and size and I look forward to seeing the font color added soon also. You have no idea how much I missed the original Outlook Express. I put off buying a new computer because of that one thing. When my XP died just short of 8 years of age, I was despondent. I thought I'd have trouble with my new Windows 10 computer, but other than not having OE, I'm doing well with it. And now, your OEClassic has made me very happy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Best regards to you
Eleanor S.
Jan 14th, 2016
Thank you very much indeed: I am really impressed by how quickly and concisely you provide advice.

Very grateful indeed: I hate transferring stuff to new PCs and operating systems.

Best wishes,
Ralph S.
Jan 7th, 2016
Thanks for the speedy reply to my questions. Apologies for my delayed reply.

As soon as I get the address booking structured to my liking I will upgrade to the Pro version (and am already recommending your product to others).

Can I also take this opportunity to say that, although I've only known about your company for a few days, I am hugely impressed by the product and especially with the clarity and comprehensiveness of support you are giving me. I deal with many support centres on behalf of my 'silver generation' friends and I have never seen the detailed step by step easy to follow instructions which you have set out.

Many thanks.
James L.
Jan 4th, 2016
I just built a new machine (bought the parts and OS a couple of years ago) and had been concerned about the switch to W7 because I use Outlook Express extensively in XP and was aware that it was no longer available.

After a bit of research and considering the various alternatives like Windows Live Mail and Thunderbird, I decided to try OE Classic Pro and am very happy with your software - it was obviously designed around the old Outlook Express but without some of the limitations of that old program.

No learning curve and all the powerful features (such as hierarchical folders for filing my emails, and Identities).

Great Job OE Classic!!!

I count myself as very fortunate that I decided to try your product.

Thanks very much for your help, and again - great job on OE Classic - you can be proud of what you have done here - hopefully the public catches on and you sell lots of these.

You can be assured that I will be passing the word to all the people I know who might be interested (although most I know seem to like Outlook - too heavy weight for my taste).

Darryl Y.
Dec 14th, 2015
This is the best software company/individual that I have experienced - and I am a retired computer programmer after over 30 years.

Good job!
Dick P.
Oct 30th, 2015
I am chuffed to little mint balls and will tell friends and several forums about how fantastic the program is and your brilliant support. I can't thank you enough!!!

Carl H.
Oct 26th, 2015
Discovering OE Classic has been a 'godsend' for me, as I never thought I would be able to move away from using Windows XP, due to the Outlook Express compatibility. Many thanks again for your help in setting up OE Classic.

Best regards,
Vince H.
Oct 18th, 2015
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for such quick responses to my query -- your service is above and beyond any other company I have EVER dealt with in my life! And this email program is absolutely superb!!!

Again, thanks sooooooooooo much and may God bless you for being so kind.

Oct 16th, 2015
You very promptly dealt with four items in a clear concise manner in four separate emails which provided an easy way to get the program working to my requirements.

Thank you for this easy to use program and for the excellent service.

John W.
Oct 12th, 2015
Thanks a bunch. One thing that I love about your replies is the amount of detail information you provide. Believe me this is a huge help to your customers. I love OE Classic! Much more stable... and much better... than Windows Live Mail.

I recently upgraded to Windows 10. OE Classic works GREAT!

As for upgrade download... got it! The $25 for OE was the best $25 I have ever spent on software. Worth much more.

Thanks again for very quick reply.
Oct 11th, 2015
Thank you for your quick response. This is truly a great program. I always loved Outlook Express because of the uncluttered interface and the ability to have all my email come into one program. This program accomplishes that and more. I would recommend the program to anyone that doesn't want to have to check and write email on webmail accounts.

Keep up the great work. The market really needed this program. I was running XP on a separate machine as well as a Virtual XP machine under windows 7 just to keep Outlook Express and multiple years of email history, now I don't have to deal with opening XP to get and read my email. Life is much simpler. I have not converted entirely to Windows 10 and bypassed Windows 8. Windows 10 looks 100% better but am waiting until I have had the chance to work with it on one computer before converting completely. However, it's a big comfort to know that I can run Outlook Express Classic on the new platform. I have never been a fan of Windows Mail or Live Mail. This is a far better alternative.

Bill G.
Sep 30th, 2015
Have to admit my POV is from the days before Gmail, Hotmail (before it became Outlook.com and what genius has two products with the same name to confuse customers), and webmail in general: except for certain specific circumstances (even the 'webmail version' of email offered by AT&T which is fostered on the Yahoo email servers does not qualify) webmail is slower, format are poorer/less rich/relatively inflexible, and so on -- which is why I believe why your product satisfied an 'existing niche' and found customers -- I used all of the Microsoft mail and email clients the Outlooks and Exchanges, and while they were all on older slower computers Outlook Express, and now OE Classic just outperforms with better, tighter code.

Rich K.
Sep 23rd, 2015
Although, I have used this software only for a day, I must say it truly is wonderfully designed. It works like a charm.

Thank you for a wonderful piece of software.

Best regards,
Hemanth P.
Aug 15th, 2015
Thanks for the superior support, never have I had such great support for a program!!!

Timmy C.
Jul 13th, 2015
I have just found OEClassic and am delighted with it. I find Windows Live Mail very tiresome and unstable after many happy years of Outlook Express.

I have ordered your OEClassic Pro version and very much look forward to using all that it offers.

Your customer service seems to be as good as the program itself!

Peter S.
Jul 8th, 2015
Had customer who's staff was really comfortable with Outlook Express. They hated online email software.

We installed one workstation today with OE Classic Pro. Had a little trepidation setting up the email server parameters, but it worked almost immediately. In just a few additional minutes we were also able to install their Contacts and emails from the older OE.

It works wonderfully. Everyone else in the office wanted the same. Just purchased three more copies.

Thanks you for a wonderful product!

Barry G.
Jun 23rd, 2015
Greetings from Southern Oregon,

Installed your software today and I must say I was pleasantly surprised.

The installation was flawless, importing from both Outlook Express and Windows Live Mail was smooth and the user interface is very friendly.

I looked at Thunderbird and a few others before I came across OE Classic Pro and I'm extremely satisfied.

It is a pleasure to use such a well thought-out and designed program that "JUST WORKS" after the easy installation.

Thank you for solving my email problems once and for all.

Bob J.
Jun 17th, 2015
Firstly, I'd like to tell you that I am utterly amazed at the outstanding effort you are putting in to help me resolve this issue. In this day and age it simply does not usually happen. The wonderfully kind and helpful responses I've had from you and the speed with which you've replied is more like the good 'old fashioned' service that we all used to experience.

You have nothing tangible to gain from doing this because I've already paid and bought the program from you - (not that my 20.00 odd is going to help you retire to a villa in the sunshine). What you are trying to do is really lovely. Quite unexpected. And very, very welcome. Thank you!

Steve W.
Jun 17th, 2015
I just want to put on record my thanks for all the help you have given me since I started using OE classic. Not that the program itself is any sort of problem, but my upgrade from Windows XP to Win7 was fraught with problems and when OE classic got caught up in the cobwebs you sorted it all out with alacrity and impressive expertise. I have nothing but admiration for the way that OE has been launched as a stable and usable program, to which the promised updates are gradually being added. It is already a better program that Outlook Express ever was, easier to use than many of its competitors yet still rich in features. I am so glad that I found it and am not suffering with using the alternatives. I would say to anyone using OE that the support received is more than worth the cost of the Pro version.

Peter C.
Jun 9th, 2015
Thank you for coding the fastest email client I have ever used.

Chuck H.
Jun 3rd, 2015
I feel very comfortable with your OE, no problem during installation, no problem with importing mails and contacts from MS OE, no problem during working, simply super :-)

Nice day!
Marek T.
May 27th, 2015
Thank you for your insight and help. And I want to tell you, I am very pleased with the elegance and ease of use of OE Classic. Love it that I am no longer at the mercy of Microsoft.

May 13th, 2015
Dear Author,

Thank you for this software product! Saved the day for me, a longtime OE 6 user.

It's working well so far.


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